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Hundreds of open ports and vulnerabilities

One of the areas our software Teem Ops does is regularly scan AWS accounts for over 200 types of potential security issues. These range from insecure ports, open public access, publicly accessible files, administrator access and a range of other areas which can cause headaches to security teams. So who’s responsibility is cloud security? Don’t…

Actionable Security Insights

The growth of Public Cloud has given startups the ability to scale quickly, provide a better customer experience and reach a global audience faster and simpler. Every type of business from small cottage industry to large enterprises and government agencies have sought to streamline their delivery model in the cloud and improve business operations. However,…

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The AWS Outage in Sydney, Tips for increasing website stability.

A massive Cloud Front hit Sydney bringing a storm that took one of AWS’ Sydney region’s availability zones offline for sometime on Saturday 4pm AEST. This affected major websites who rely on AWS for their hosting infrastructure. Updated: The issues that customers experienced during this outage are outlined at the end of this article which…